

কোয়ালিটি সংক্রান্ত চাকরীর ইন্টারভিউতে করা প্রশ্ন-উত্তর পর্ব - ১ | ©AllaboutQMS

প্রশ্ন-উত্তর পর্ব - ১

In this post we'll share Quality Questions & Answer regarding the job interview.If you have any question, then you may leave comments or message us.

  1. What is Quality?
    • Answer: Consistent conformance to customer expectations.
  2. Question: What is The Major Operation of a Sweater?
    • Answer: Knitting, Linking, Trimming, Mending, Wash, Packing, Sewing, Over-lock.
  3. Question: What is The Critical Issue of Linking?
    • Answer: Minimum Neck Stretch, Linking Elasticity, Size Mistake.
  4. Question: Abbreviation of LBS?
    • Answer: Latin British Scale.
  5. Question: 1 inch Equal How Many CM?
    • Answer: 2.54 cm.
  6. Question: 1 LBS Equal How Many Grams?
    • Answer: 453.6 Grams
  7. Question: 1 LBS Equal How Many Ounce?
    • Answer: 16 Ounce.
  8. Question: 1 Ounce Equal How Many Grams?
    • Answer: 28.35 Grams.
  9. Question: 1”Inch divide to 8 points put in writing=
    • Answer: 1/8, ¼, 3/8, ½, 5/8, ¾, 7/8, 1”
  10. Question: What is Major, Minor & Critical Problem?
    • Answer:
      • MAJOR: Which Problem is Shows Bad Appearance & Which Cause Garments Can Be Rejected Its Call Major Problem like Needle Drop, Hole, Mending and Poor Iron.
      • MINOR: Which Problem is Create Uneasy to Wear Garments like Knot, Uncut Thread.
      • CRITICAL: Which Problem is Harmful for Human Body Its Call Critical like Sharp Edge, Broken Needle, and Minimum Neck Stretch.

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