

Procedure for Organizational Knowledge | ©AllaboutQMS


This Organizational Knowledge procedure establishes & Maintain for the operational process to achieved conformity to Producing products of an Organization.


The Top Management has responsible for directing the activities of this procedure. Where other functions have responsibility, they are so indicated.

Responsibility and Authority:

The Top Management has responsibility for directing the activities of this procedure. Where other functions have responsibility, they are so indicated.

Details of Procedure:

1.      Phase of Organizational Knowledge Share: For the Sharing of organizational knowledge in the following four phases. The four phases that define the requirements for handling organizational knowledge include various focal and starting points that provide guidance for organizations:

a)     Phase One: Establishing knowledge and competence goals at the start of the process, Organizations should for instance determine knowledge of customer expectations and requirements and of particular production and service-provision processes. Subsequently, they can plan how they can achieve the identified goals and objectives by means of training, learning on the job, or e-learning& Process Box Maintain.

b)    Phase Two: The organizations should determine specific methods to exchange knowledge in-house and to maintain this knowledge. Possibilities include employees passing on their experience from completed projects or failures to their colleagues in the style of “lessons learned.” Employees leaving the company or refusing to share their experience and know-how represent a major risk of loss of knowledge. Organizations wishing to avoid these risks can collect and maintain the available know-how. Like as study the background of the company, Hand book handover to worker of officer.

c)     Phase Three: The organization must evaluate new knowledge, such as that communicated in training, interview employees on their status of knowledge where appropriate, and identify opportunities for improvement. Another major challenge involves monitoring changes in the market or in technology and analyzing the extent to which they influence the knowledge that the organization requires. Once the organization identifies opportunities for improvement in certain areas, targeted measures should be taken.

d)    Phase Four: Depending on the individual situation, companies may further enhance their relations with clients, suppliers, and service providers or improve their mechanisms for keeping their organizational knowledge secure. It may prove a good idea, for example, to renew the validity of functions critical for knowledge or to improve the protection of existing know-how by filing patents. In addition to continued in-house training, organizations can also use external sources including newsletters, specialist magazines, and memberships in associations, or important partnerships to expand their knowledge. By introducing the subject of organizational knowledge

 2.      This is operational process of achieve conformity of an Organization product:

3.      Addressing Changing Needs & Trends: The Top Management of an Organization Having aware the change needs they consider Current Knowledge, necessary additional knowledge and required updates. The changes to Processes, Policy, Procedure, Culture, Behavior, and Documented Information that all are change usually characterize knowledge management, Top Management have to be committed to the share of changing knowledge of the Organization.

4.      Organizational Knowledge Share to Achieve the Organizational Objectives: The Organization aligns Organizational knowledge with business objectives. Because of the Organizational knowledge efforts on a set of clear objectives is that most successful knowledge management. It should be considering of Individual and Organizational experiences Tacit & Explicit knowledge.

5.      Individual explicit Experience knowledge: Experience: generally, length of service in the industry and positions held are good indicators of personal working experience that to a great extent manifest the richness of a personal knowledge. The Organization Specially take of experience level, work experience in different types of Sweaters working experience are important indicators of personal knowledge.

6.      Organizational explicit Experience knowledge: Organization Consider to Technologies and Information Systems, Departmental Process, Intellectual property etc.

7.      Organizational tacit Experience knowledge: Organization Consider to Culture, Image, External relationships etc.

8.      Based on Organizational Knowledge: The Organization Share the Organizational knowledge from two source Internal Sources & External Sources.

a)     Internal Sources are considering:

                                           I.            Intellectual property,

                                       II.            experience,

                                    III.            Lessons learned from failures and successful projects,

                                    IV.            Capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge and experience,

                                        V.            Results of improvements in processes,

                                    VI.            Products and services.

b)    External sources are considering:

                                           I.            standards,

                                       II.            .Academia,

                                    III.            Conferences,

                                    IV.            Gathering knowledge from customers,

                                        V.            External Providers.

9.      Related Documents: We are implement the procedure of Organizational Knowledge in our organization & its evaluate by this types of related documents as like Company Profile, Worker Hand Book, Training documents, Departmental Process.

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